snug slim fit small size 49 mm condoms producer

when you learnt that 35% of men consumers (yes 35%!) actually, require a smaller – more tailored fit small size condoms. Most people who don’t enjoy condoms or experience discomfort (i.e., slipping and sliding) are simply wearing a wrong size condoms.

Using a premium condom that fits properly will make your sex experience safer – not to mention much more enjoyable – allowing you both to focus on which really important: giving and receiving sexual pleasure. Our Ultimate Smaller Condom Sampler allows you to try a great assortment of the top smaller condoms available.

The regular size is 52x180mm, now our company also supply 49x170mm and 56x190mm, which will be more choices for consumers to find the best size for them. welcome any brand inquiry us to produce your own slim fit small size condom.




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what type of condoms should I buy?

Durex quality Condom www customcondomsfactory com