X large condoms manufacturer

if you once feel loose or too roomy when wear the standard condom, a right size condom will offer more comfortable and safest protection. A huge selection of Large, Larger, and Largest size Big condoms we carry in stock. It is easy to Buy Large Condoms Online, welcome to the land of the Giants, home of the large, larger and extra large condoms. The below sizable condoms offer Spacious room for the substantial Willie. If you are looking for a roomy, extra large condom.. the Trojan Magnum XL, or Durex XXL is for you. Have fun and be safe.
As a custom producer, we now has 49x160mm small size, 52x180mm standard size, 55x190mm large size, the 3 sizes can cover at least 95% consumers worldwide, and we also can custom produce clients own size, welcome inquiry us!
Email: oemcondom@gmail.com



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