why we should not purchase poor quality condoms?

The purchase of poor-quality condoms will adversely affect every aspect of condom promotion and programming. Not only is it a waste of limited budgetary resources, but also it damages the credibility of the one inexpensive device that has been proven to prevent the transmission of HIV.
It is therefore important for policymakers, programme managers, providers, and procurement officers to know how to apply the essential elements of condom quality assurance to guarantee that a quality product is manufactured, purchased, promoted and distributed to the consumer. The same arguments apply equally to national regulatory bodies. The condom is an important medical device and needs to be regulated and controlled as such.
As a serious factory of condom, we had refuse many cheap condom buyer who want untested condoms, this is our bottom line. 



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what type of condoms should I buy?

Durex quality Condom www customcondomsfactory com