Condom Manufacturing Plant in Africa

How to build a condom factory in Africa? here are the steps. Implementation Plan: Phase 1: up-date of the recent feasibility survey for the selected country/ site Phase 2: construction of factory buildings, acquisition and installation of machinery and equipment for quality control, sealing and packaging – start marketing to private brands & donors Phase 3: setting up the machinery to produce 120 million condoms (‘dipping lines’) annually. Total number of lines: four, each producing 30 million condoms. Advantage of smaller quantity dipping lines: production can easily continue on smaller scale in case of severe power failure or delays in latex supply.

 if you interests has own condom factory, we are pleasure to help you. welcome visit our own factory. you will has general idea after visited our company. 



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what type of condoms should I buy?

Durex quality Condom www customcondomsfactory com