Survey reveals religious women use more contraceptives condoms often

Condom study conducted by the Guttmacher Institute found that women who frequently attend religious services use condoms and other forms of contraceptive moreoften than not. The results of the survey dispel some of the myths about thesex lives of Catholics and Evangelical. Rachel K. Jones, lead author of thestudy, said that there was a correlation between condom use and strongreligious beliefs. “Most sexually active women who do not want to become. Surveyreveals religious women use contraceptives often pregnant practicecontraception… This is true for Evangelicals and Mainline Protestants, and itis true for Catholics, despite the Catholic hierarchy’s strenuous opposition tocontraception,” she explained. The study found that 99 percent of womensurveyed who were sexually active had used contraception as a form of pregnancyprevention. The number was only slightly smaller, 98 percent, among Catholicwomen. Conversely, only 2 percent of Catholic women rely on natural familyplanning. The statistic is the same among women who attend mass once a month ormore. In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancies, using a condom is aneffective method to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted infection. Formaximum protection, individuals should use condoms every time when they havesex. This still is the best in offer better protection for both partners.



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