Why Have Men Stopped Using Condoms?

If you think young men like condom? Lately, sex industry researchers have noticed a troubling trend: After steadily climbing since the 1990s, condom use inAmerica is falling—especially among young men. Between 2002 and 2010, the percentage of teen guys who used a condom during their first sexual experiencejumped from 71 percent to nearly 80 percent, according to research from theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But from 2011 to 2013, that figure dropped to 78 percent. 
No,that does not sound like much. But the drop-off seems to be steepening, says Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., a sexual health researcher at Indiana University. One theory: Young guys misunderstand rubbers. “I see some of my own students coming in thinking condoms are only for birth control, which is crazy,” Herbenicksays. (If you are worried that condom sex won’t feel as good, learn the secrets to making it more satisfying in How to Pleasure a Woman, the ultimate sexmanual from the editors of Men's Health. You will discover hundreds of proventricks and techniques to help you become the best lover she’s ever had.) Partof the problem is marketing. While condoms were synonymous with fighting offHIV and disease in the 1990s and early 2000s, Herbenick says recent public health campaigns have emphasized pregnancy prevention. 

We advocate more and more organization promote the condom’s HIV preventionfunction, which is more important than prevent pregnancy. It would be naturetrend if more and more young men choose condoms at their first choice when sex.



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