A female condom of a polyether-based TPu is being introduced

The thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) offerthe best combination of properties. 2 biomedical TPUs are compared with naturalrubber, comparing stress-strain behavior at low extensions. It should bepossible to make TPU condoms that approach rubber's modulus while keeping tearresistance and good strength. Polyurethanes are being emphasized forinnovations. A female condom of a polyether-based TPu is being introduced. That’sUK female condom company, The film is made of Estane and the inner ring is madefrom a harder TPU. It has been much tested in Europe and is being tested in theUS. However, the National Women's Health Network (NWHN) is challenging, sayingthat any device which is called a "condom" should protect againstsexually transmitted diseases. So they must good at protect bothpartners. Along with the technology’s improvement, waterbased polyurethane material condom also successful now. http://www.polyurethanecondom.com/

More detailed information please visit the link: http://www.oemcondom.com/html/CondomProduct/636.html 



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